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Here's what people are saying about The Science of Being Well ..."Dr. Gayek has done a tremendous service to all of us by bringing The Science of Being Well to the Internet. Like me, you may have been unfamiliar with Mr. Wattles' work, but I am sure that you'll be astounded by his insights and clarity. He affirms everything that I have learned about being well from years of dialoging with people's ‘inner knowers.' Mr. Wattles is very clear about exactly how to do this.
"There is a pervading, intelligent, loving presence creating and sustaining all of life. We can trust this presence and align ourselves with it, thus allowing its plan of perfect health to unfold for us.
"Read this book. Give its suggestions sincere consideration and practice. You'll be making this world a better place in which to live."
Steven M. Hall, M.D. Bellevue, Washington, USA
"I love this book! Even the most fervent health afficionado should be able to find new inspiration here."
Elizabeth Eckert, Ph.D. Author, Word Cures: How to Keep Stupid Excuses from Sabotaging Your Health Minot, North Dakota, USA www.spiritandstructure.com www.wellnessimages.com
"Alexandra, this is amazing. Although I've been a student and teacher of Mr. Wattles' book, The Science of Getting Rich, for years, I have to admit that The Science of Being Well just didn't resonate with me until I read it framed by your insights and viewpoint.
"And the notes you've added to explain things that were confusing really turned on the light. Now I get it!
"I can't wait to share this with all the people around the world I've already given free copies of The Science of Getting Rich. What a gift you've given us all. Thank you for doing what you do!"
Rebecca Fine Seattle, Washington, USA Founder, The Science of Getting Rich Network http://www.scienceofbeingwell.net/sogr
"I was introduced to Wallace Wattles' work many years ago when I read The Science of Getting Rich. I appreciated his philosophy and his absolute conviction in his beliefs. As I practiced the principles espoused in The Science of Getting Rich my appreciation turned to respect and delight as the principles began to work in my life.
"When Dr. Gayek told me about this book which uses the same principles to create abundant good health in one's life, I said to myself, ‘Of course! It's a natural follow-up to his first work.'
"As a hypnotherapist and founder of the Lighten Up! Weight Loss Program, I know the power of mind/body/spirit connection. Mr. Wattles gives step-by-step instructions on how to tap into this power to create the health, body and peace we all truly want.
"Thank you, Alexandra, for bringing this important work into this generation!"
Katie Evans President, Lighten Up! Weight Loss, Inc. www.lighten-up.com
"As Dr. Gayek states, ‘This is a radical book.'
"At a time of immense confusion around nutrition, over-reliance on drugs, and lack of personal responsibility around one's health, this book is a beacon in the night. Although written in 1910, the principles are as effective today as they were then.
"I am re-inspired about my profession and about sharing this information with my patients. These are simple techniques which are extremely effective at achieving optimal health.
"I recommend this book to everyone and especially to every physician who wants to see his patients truly get well."
John Sherman, N.D. Seattle, Washington, USA
"The information on What to Eat and When to Eat was a breath of fresh air. Very simple, yet profound! Thank you, Dr. Alexandra Gayek."
Dr. Cynthia Miller Author, Stumbling into Bliss
"For the most part, the book is easy to read. It's getting back to the basics of living — most things mentioned here you were probably told about during your early years by your parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles and even your grade school teachers.
"Our society and culture know of these basics, but we never have time to think about it let alone apply these until ‘something' goes wrong. This book is a great foundation for many of these basics. Once applied, you'll feel some incredible changes.
"If you know Dr. Gayek, you can see and feel her energy while reading her words. Her smiles and motivation seep out of the pages. It's a wonderful book, and you'll be thinking, hmm, that makes sense ... The book will be an invaluable asset."
Michael Woo, N.D., L.Ac. Kirkland, Washington, USA
"I read this book at a time when I am healing from surgery, and I am grateful to have it received it. I find that it helps me keep a positive attitude about healing, and it supports me in making good conscious choices in my thinking and eating.
"Thank you, Dr. Alexandra, for this great gift!"
Liz Hanbury Seattle, Washington, USA
"I'm very impressed with The Science of Being Well and with your additions to it.
"The Science of Being Well articulates a vitalist philosophy for health that is in harmony with today's frontier physics regarding subtle energy and complex dynamic systems.
"Mr. Wattles presents a clear outline with practical applications of a prescription for a healthy life. Dr. Gayek brings the material up-to-date for post-modern living with her expert supplemental materials and explanation of the relationship between naturopathic medicine and the science of being well."
"A must read for everyone interested in true wellness."
Dr. Deah Curry Ph.D. Author of Healing Presence: Experiencing the Medicine of the Naturopathic Relationship — An Organic Inquiry
"I read The Science of Being Well and found Wattles describing what I learned myself when I was very sick about 10 years ago. I realized I had to heal myself through health thoughts or I wouldn't make it. Out of urgency I learned what I now read in Wattles' book. It works.
"Dr. Gayek is a perceptive, intuitive, gracious woman, who combines her intellect, passion and curiosity together for the benefit of humankind. If she says to read and work this book, do it. She knows what she's talking about."
Rev. Bonnie Barnard www.bonniebarnard.com
"It is very reassuring to know that a modern, trustworthy person has reviewed this work with great scrutiny and determined that it is meritorious and that even with the archaic language it stands on its own when measured against what we know today."
Sara Hemphill, Esq. Mercer Island, Washington, USA
"What a work of love! I want to read it again more slowly and digest the wisdom. Thanks for making it available and for your insightful comments that bring it up-to-date! I wish you huge success in getting this information out into peoples' hands!"
Gail Coopee Life Coach Bothell, Washington, USA