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Don't worry. Perfection is not required! -- The Science of Being Well by Wallace D. Wattles, with Dr. Alexandra Gayek


Meet Mr. Wattles & Dr. Gayek ...

Wallace D. Wattles, a courageous man

Wallace D. Wattles, author of The Science of Being Well, The Science of Getting Rich, and The Science of Being Great Born in the mid-1800s in the United States, Wallace Delois Wattles' life was (by his own estimation) a series of failures, until — in the early years of the 20th century, after years of dedicated study and experimentation — he formulated the principles laid out in The Science of Getting Rich, The Science of Being Well, and The Science of Being Great. In the 12 years of practice leading up to writing The Science of Being Well, Mr. Wattles was surrounded by a sea of controversy about both spiritual belief and the practical steps one should take to be healthy. During these years, the practices of chiropractic, naturopathy and osteopathy were in their infancy in the United States. Upton Sinclair's famous "muck-raking" book, The Jungle, scandalized readers by exposing the appalling practices in the meat processing industry in Chicago. Partly in response to that, the U.S. Congress passed its first law regulating labeling and additives to food, drinks, and drugs. The "Nature Cure" movement was in full swing in Europe and off to a good start in America, with spas, baths, residential healing centers, even a hospital devoted to cures with water, air, light, and simple diet. The "hygiene" movement, advocating a strict lifestyle on moral grounds, had many followers. And new spiritual and religious ideas were emerging.

Everywhere around him, people were challenging traditional beliefs and health practices. Wallace Wattles attempted to cut through all the controversy and find the simple truths at its center.

While we don't have first-hand accounts of those who practiced the Science of Being Well with Mr. Wattles during his lifetime, there are plenty of accounts of modern people incorporating strategies like his to demonstrate "miraculous" healing. The most recent scientific research about the behavior of cells, genes, the systems of the body, and the role of the mind in health, bring us to a new understanding of how these miracles could be scientifically explained.
In retrospect, it appears Mr. Wattles was some kind of genius to come to the conclusions he did without the aid of modern science!

His daughter Florence noted that in his last years, "he wrote almost constantly. It was then that he formed his mental picture. He saw himself as a successful writer, a personality of power, an advancing man, and he began to work toward the realization of his vision. He lived every page ... His life was truly the powerful life."

Alexandra Gayek, ND

Dr. Alexandra GayekOne of the fundamental principles of medical practice is that a doctor is a teacher. The word doctor comes from the Latin docere: teacher. I've been a teacher in one way or another since 1976 when I worked as an outdoor educator at an environmental school for kids. (Or maybe I should say that since 1976 I've been a learner who learns best by teaching others.) I love to teach what I love to learn, and what I love to learn is at the crossroads of health, nature, and spirituality. I'm interested in how people can be peaceful, happy, healthy, and prosperous, and have a great time in the process. I'm fascinated by learning more about how the human body is a microcosm of the whole universe, how the human mind is not separate from the body, how we fit into the natural world, and how the whole thing works.

Listen to audio interview with Dr. Gayek

So I've taught ecology, high school science, rock climbing, canoeing, backpacking, outdoor survival, first aid, all kinds of personal growth stuff, group dynamics, qi gong, meditation, and lots of seminars on how the human body works. Along the way I went to medical school, became a doctor, and have spent close to 20 years teaching mostly one-on-one (to my patients). I've also taught workshops about managing emotions and relationships — important skills if you want to be successful, healthy, and happy! It's all about empowerment, connection, and growth.

Now my focus is on working with people worldwide. I want to live in a world in which you are empowered, connected, healthy, happy, and wealthy — and everyone else is too.

This stuff Mr. Wattles writes about health is GREAT! Its implications for life on the planet are ENORMOUS! And it has spurred a leap in consciousness over the past seven years The Science of Being Well has been online.

Its implications for your life are incredible! ...Do you know you how fabulous you truly are, the limitless potential you have for health, happiness, wealth, and greatness?

So here I am, having taken eight months of my life to prepare this for you, knowing how powerful it is, and how powerful YOU are! And twelve more years evolving with it. I hope you'll take full advantage of this website, the free downloadable ebook edition, my free Be Well! ezine, the audiobook, the blog, the courses and live workshops, and all the other resources I'll share with you.

Please share this site freely and let me know about your results — and above all ...

Be Well!

P.S. If you don't know what a Naturopathic Doctor is and does, you can learn more at the end of the book.

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